Dental Marketing Agency

Stop Torching Your Money on Traditional SEO

Get the AI Powered Solution And Put Yourself Ahead Of The Competition

Getting Patients to Find You Online Shouldn't Be A Dice Roll

Google's Algorithm Controls Your Dental Practice?

When you’re trying to get to the top of page 1 on Google and STAY there, you’ve got to appease the Google algorithm. When Google changes the algorithm (approximately 12 times a day), you’re left trying to observe the changes AFTER you lose ranking. The ideal scenario would have you reacting to and adjusting in real time with the changes so that you don’t lose ranking at all because of these updates.

The Time/Money Investment Problem

In traditional SEO, your time and money is mostly funneled into managing the ever-changing nature of the algorithm and how this impacts the ranking of your website along with your ability to get new patients. This can easily be a money sink worse than paid advertising. In an ideal scenario, your technical SEO solution should be a one-touch answer, leaving you much more of your budget to turn prospects into patients, and those patients into happy repeat patients.

The Paying for the Guess Problem

The worst part of traditional SEO, especially working with marketing agencies, is that you are ultimately paying for them to guess. You pay them to guess what is correct, and you pay them AFTER your rankings drop to guess what will fix the problems. Google’s algorithm is not unknowable, it’s just impossible for humans to follow in real time. Don't put your Dental Practice in the hands of gamblers.

iMetaDex™ solves all of these problems for Dentists

Over the past few years we’ve been perfecting the world’s first artificially intelligent SEO system. iMetaDex™ completely automates the technical setup of your Dental Office Website.

iMetaDex™ SUCCEEDS where every human FAILS – interpreting and reacting to the Google algorithm in real time.

This AI installs on your website through just one line of code and puts you above every other business on the planet in approximately 3 months.

Our clients, who have installed iMetaDex™, have seen an approximate 300-1000+% increase in their organic search traffic in approximately 3 months.

dental internet marketing

Would you like to take advantage of this revolutionary new technology, available EXCLUSIVELY through MetaSense Marketing?

Step 1

Schedule a meeting with our business growth specialist

Step 2

Clarify your Dental Office Website growth needs

Step 3

Install 1 line of code which enables iMetaDex on website

Being FOUND by Your Patients Online is a Technical Problem


In order for your dental office to be found by patients searching online, you must be on page 1 of Google. Getting your website onto Page 1 of Google and STAYING there (where approximately 93% of search traffic is) has always been a technical problem. It all depends on what Google’s algorithm thinks of your website.

iMetaDex™ is the most effective and efficient technical solution for SEO. This means it carries THE GREATEST ROI OF ANY SEO SOLUTION THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN.

How do we know this?

Because once you set up iMetaDex™, your cost is consistent.AND it doesn’t guess about what’s best for your website – it knows.

You don’t need to pay more and more to marketers to make more and more guesses.

You don’t need to pay to have your page ranking problems “fixed”.

dental digital marketing

iMetaDex™ is a unique tool available ONLY with MetaSense Marketing.

The iMetaDex™ code is a patented solution undergoing constant enhancements.

You currently have a special opportunity.

Right now, you can have the world’s most powerful artificially intelligent SEO system.

We are so confident in the power of iMetaDex™ that we would like you to try it out for your Dental Office FREE for 30 days.

If you’re like the rest of MetaSense Marketing clients, within those 30 days, you’ll see at least a doubling of your website traffic.

Most of our clients see an approximate 300-1000+% increase in organic search traffic JUST from iMetaDex™.

To get started, schedule a call with our business growth specialist. You will discuss how iMetaDex™ can serve YOUR business.

Then having iMetaDex™ installed is as simple as adding a line of code to your website – which we will do for you. 

You’re a simple phone call away from doubling or tripling your website traffic. You have zero upfront cost to trial. That’s ZERO RISK to see the greatest growth your business has ever experienced in search.

Pick a day and time of your choosing to schedule a meeting with our team to discuss how iMetaDex™ can serve you and your business.